Resources — Moving Philly Forward
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Engage with your block. Your neighborhood. Your government.

Have you ever wondered who decides what names to put on the sample ballot you receive on election days at your polling place? Or who vets candidates that are running for City Council or Judge positions? In Philadelphia, these and other key parts of the democratic process and decision-making are controlled by The Democratic City Committee, which is made up of Ward Leaders and Committee People. The system can be confusing, but we looked into it and we've compiled helpful resources that anybody can easily and quickly use to get involved.

As Philadelphians, we don't have to sit idly by as passive spectators to the Ward and Committee system. With the right tools, we can join up, get involved, and start making a difference. Moving Philly Forward is dedicated to giving you those tools so you can join us in shaping the future of the democratic party in Philadelphia. Here's how to get started.


Type your address in the search bar to find your WardDivision, and Polling Place



Use these links to find your polling place, committee people, and ward leader. 

Call your ward leaders and ask if there are any openings on your local division committee. Committees are the “ground troops” of the Philadelphia Democratic Party and if enough of us join them, we’ll be in a good position to begin effecting lasting change from the inside-out.


While some of the most exciting and urgent opportunities to reshape the Democratic party from the ground up are at the hyper-local ward and committee level, the democratic process doesn’t stop there. Many ward and committee leaders go on to serve at higher levels of government, from City Hall to the State Legislature. Whether you’re interested in joining your local government or you’re interested in getting involved in other ways, it’s important to know who your representatives at the city, state,  and federal level are so you can apply pressure to them on issues that affect your neighborhood, hold them accountable to democratic principles, and voice your support when they champion policy that’s aligned with your values. Here’s how to find your local officials.

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